Here I go again….




Well….as Whitesnake so eloquently put it back in 1987…here I go again!

It’s certainly one thing to be out looking for work when it is a time of your choosing, when you are in control of the situation.  Having the bomb dropped on you when you come back to work after the New Year celebration…being told that you were saved from being laid off….butyour hours are being cut to a maximum of 20/week…well that’s an entirely different situation.  I had a feeling that some changes were coming but I don’t think you are ever truly ready for that time when it actually happens.  All I remember is being led into the conference room and seeing our HR manager sitting there when two things happened simultaneously

  1. slightly turning my head and rolling my eyes so no one could see
  2. thinking, “Oh Shit” while saying, “This isn’t about a raise…is it?!?” 

Word of the day = Networking

Jobs, or careers, aren’t found the way they used to.  Now it is all about who you know, how well you know them, who they know…networking.  Needless to say I am beating the bushes, reaching out to contacts both new and old, spreading word that…HEY…there is an uber-talented Purchasing dude ready to rock your world!

I have to stay confident…upbeat…as positive as I can.  Sure, this is a kick to the berries but I will keep putting one foot in front of the other and come out on top…in a better place.  The worst part of the whole thing is losing the benefits.  Never a good thing when you are expecting a new addition to the family.

I don’t resent anyone who collaborated on this decision.  As far as I know it was nothing personal.  That being said, I wish the timing could have been thought out a bit more but shit happens.  I’ll just pick myself up and keep on keeping on!

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Where does the time go???

Holy moly…February already!?! Doesn’t it seem like it was just the holiday season? I have to admit that I’ve been slacking a bit. I need to get out and do some quality shooting but I just haven’t. Things have been pretty stressful lately but those are the perfect times to get out and get away from everything. Gas prices have not really made it easy to go out and scout good locations to shoot either. What the hell is going on? We have over a $0.20 hike in gas prices across the board down fact there is a gas station in downtown LA that is charging $5 a gallon for the cheap stuff!! We are “fortunate” that it is only back up to $3.90 something around our house but it still makes it tough to get out and drive when you don’t necessarily have to!
I promise…new pictures soon. Please let everyone know about the website: and also come and find me at Brant Jangard Photography on Facebook. OK…hold on…shameless plug alert: Please go and visit the following sites for some amazing product that my better half Michelle is making:
Benne-ficial page & Love Scrubs pages on Facebook.
Her line of sugar scrubs are absolutely amazing and she is currently working on bath salts which will be available soon. Please share all these sites with everyone you know that might be interested. Thanks to everyone in advance.
Please comment and share your thoughts and ideas!

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IT’S ALIVE!!!!!!

Ok, it is up and published. Yes, it’s the new website I’m talking about. Here is the link for those of you that haven’t seen it on Facebook already: Pass it along to friends…heck…even your enemies! I noticed a few tweaks I need to make on it later tonight – alignment issues and whatnot but it’s there just waiting for all of you to take a look!
Stop by and let me know what you think, I’m interested to hear the feedback. Of course it will change over time, as all things do, but most of that will be the picture content more than anything else. As always, let me know if you think anything is missing or should be added. I appreciate the feedback!
On a secondary note, why do people have problems closing their office doors when talking on speakerphone? Do they not understand that we really don’t care…not to mention they’re LOUD!
Positive thought of the day: Tomorrow is Friday…finally!

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So, I’m desperately trying to get my website all wrapped up so I can go live with it and there always seems to be one sticking point: the about me section. Why is it so damned hard to write about yourself? I hope it isn’t just me that feels this way! I always have the tendency to understate, probably so I don’t sound so egotistical but isn’t that what we want? Shouldn’t we want to be able to puff out our chests and say, “Hey you look what I have accomplished!” I mean we are trying to sell ourselves or our business aren’t we?
Is being understated a bad thing? In a field such as photography shouldn’t my work, my portfolio that is published on my site do the talking for me? Thoughts? Shoot me some feedback everyone! Thanks!

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A New Beginning

Welcome to the new site everyone, and welcome to 2013. I’m sure I’m not the only one who is not just hoping, but expecting a big year this year. There will be a lot of change this year: a child graduating high school, 1 (maybe 2) kids getting drivers licenses (thankfully not all under the same roof), new careers and (hopefully) some lucrative side businesses beginning.

This blog is not only going to be an outlet but also an inspiration for my photography. Some days I may throw out ideas and see what inspires people while other days I may post one of my pictures and have everyone tell me what they think of it. Let’s make this a fun place to gather and talk about things.

I also want everyone to know that I am currently working on a new website which should be up sometime this week. Once it is all ready to go I will share the address. Please come and visit…and visit often. If you know of anyone looking for a photographer (especially down in Southern California) I would certainly appreciate the referral.

First things first, we need to spread the word! Please pass this site along to people you know that may be interested in following. We need to build an audience to make this work. Please share your comments with me and make this a truly interactive blog experience. Thank you to everyone who is coming along for the ride! Remember…I can’t do this without all of you!

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